Violence dominates much of the news about Mexico, but thousands of miles away from the troubles in Northern Mexico is an oasis: the state of Yucatán and the city of Mérida, home to our semester and summer Mexico programs. Map of Mexico
Numerous writers and safety experts have touted the state of Yucatán as a tranquil, vibrant destination that shouldn't be confused with the drug cartel killings in the north. The following articles and links will explain more about the safety and peace of southern Mexico:
IFSA-Butler's Mexico Safety FlyerMexico Beyond the Drug Violence-New York Times
On the Yucatán, a Home Rich in History and Colorful Designs-New York Times
Why You Should Go to Mexico-CNN
Violent Crime in Yucatán Rare-Lonely Planet
Most of Mexico is as Safe as Ever-by travel writer Ann Johnson
Five Myths about Mexico's Drug War-Washington Post
U.S. State Department Travel Warning-Warning applies primarily to the trouble spots in Northern Mexico
The Truth About Mexico
Mexico's Safest
Mexico Tourism Booming Again-New America Media
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