Sunday, 10 November 2013

Weird food from around the world

Roasted guinea pig. Picture: Expedia Roasted guinea pig. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

WEIRD food? Yes please. Life is too short to just eat steak and chips ... said some. This Listopedia by Expedia has a few options from around the world - for culinary dare devils and the curious brave!

Prahok, Cambodia

Who said the fresher the fish, the better? This Khmer dish is rarer than hen's teeth if you can leave it to ferment for three years. While you wait, why not visit the amazing Angkor Wat? Cambodian Khmer. Picture: Expedia Cambodian Khmer. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

A beating snake's heart, Hanoi, Vietnam

It's said the French will eat anything, but even they turned their noses up at this one. Do you have what it takes? Image by Skynavin. Try a snake's heart... if you dare: Picture: Skynavin Try a snake’s heart... if you dare: Picture: Skynavin Source: NewsComAu

Try a snake's heart... if you dare: Picture: Skynavin

The Véres Hungary

A dish with origins somewhere from around the 15th century and even then it was considered a dish not for the faint at heart. Originally prepared from blood drained from the pig's cut throat, the blood was then boiled until cooked and then minced like meat. Buyer beware!

Bloody Véres. Picture: Expedia Bloody Véres. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

Case Marzu, Sardinia, Italy

To achieve the right level of fermentation (close to decomposition), a species of translucent worms is added to help break down the fat level in this Italian cheese. Yummy. Worms and cheese... winning combination. Picture: Expedia Worms and cheese... winning combination. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

Roast guinea pig, Peru/Bolivia/Columbia

Also known as cuy, this favourite pet of the west has been compared to rabbit and is high in protein and low in fat and cholesterol. Who'd have thought?

A good ol' guinea pig roast. Yum! Picture: Philie Casablanca, Flickr A good ol’ guinea pig roast. Yum! Picture: Philie Casablanca, Flickr Source: NewsComAu

Haggis, Lancashire, England/Scotland

The origins of this dish have always been up for debate. Who'd have known heart, liver and lungs would taste so good cooked in a stomach? The interesting Haggis doesn't look so appealing. Picture: Expedia The interesting Haggis doesn’t look so appealing. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

Hangi, New Zealand

Hungry? Let's eat … It could be a while. Not so much a food as a way of preparing, the Kiwis put food in the ground on hot rocks and let it slowly smoke for eight hours. New Zealanders traditionally cook in the ground sometimes. Picture: Expedia New Zealanders traditionally cook in the ground sometimes. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

New Zealanders traditionally cook in the ground sometimes. Picture: Expedia

Escamoles, Mexico

The eggs from the giant black Liometopum ant have the consistency of cottage cheese. You might not even know you're eating them as they're usually disguised in a taco with guacamole. The black Liometopum's eggs apparently taste like cheese. Picture: Expedia The black Liometopum’s eggs apparently taste like cheese. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

Beefsteak fungus, Outback Australia

An ancient Aboriginal food, as the name suggests this fungus looks similar to a slab of raw meat. Meat-like looking beefsteak fungus. Picture: Expedia Meat-like looking beefsteak fungus. Picture: Expedia Source: NewsComAu

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