FLIRTING with foreign men, eating exotic food, guilt-free shopping and getting lost - welcome to the wonderful world of women-only travel.
Bellas Travel Nirvana founder Shauna Paine, who specialises in female-only holidays, says women have way more fun flying solo.
The Brisbane-based tourism operator, who is launching Bellas Travel Nirvana this week, says female-only adventures are literally taking off.
Here are 25 reasons why.

1. You can go wherever you want without argument
2. You can do exactly what you want - whether that is lie by the pool, drink champagne, read trashy novels or go exploring on foot.
3. You can peruse the shops as long as you like.
4. You can buy whatever you want without someone asking "what do you need that for?"
5. You won't be embarrassed by someone's stinky farts in crowded places.

6. Instead of just picking up after someone, you can actually pick up.
7. You can choose whether there's a hot body in your bed.
8. You can stay out as late as you like.
9. You only have to look after yourself.
10. You only have to pack and repack your own bag.

11. You don't have to worry about his lost wallet, passport or sunglasses.
12. You don't have to carry his sunscreen.
13. You can walk/climb as far/high as you like without someone asking "how much further?"
14. You can take as many selfies as you want without any eye-rolling.
15. You won't have to sit in pubs or watch sport being played on the other side of the world.

16. You don't have to perform in bed after a full day of shopping, err, we mean sightseeing.
17. You don't have to worry about whether your man's enjoying himself.
18. You can indulge in endless massages and beauty treatments without worrying about "wasting money".
19. You won't have to endure mortifying partner moments as your man haggles over a $2 pair of thongs.
20. You won't suffer from sleep deprivation caused by his restless night in a foreign bed.

21. Your memories of amazing places won't be ruined by fights about forgetting the camera.
22. You will be able to ask for directions if you get lost.
23. You won't have to endure sulking about sore feet.
24. You won't have to tell anyone you need "me time".
25. You won't have to seek out western foods for fussy fellas.
Is this list one-sided? You betcha! But we're willing to even the score. So blokes, tell us why travel is better without women?
Continue the conversation via Twitter @newscomauHQ | @itsKShort | @shaunapaine
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